Aug 2017 - present: Tinder and new dating culture among Vietnamese urban young adults - on going project
May - Dec 2015: People's attitude toward Freedom of Expression (FoE) in a new media landscape in Vietnam (co-investigator) / CECODES The project aims to examine Vietnamese people's attitude and opinion toward FoE and its connection to other material and non-material values. Ferb - Aug 2013: Vietnamese Youtube vloggers as self-enterprises and consumer citizens / Goldsmiths A qualitative study of how Vietnamese vloggers perform themselves as either entrepreneurial producers and citizen consumer, particularly in the subject of sex education, sexualities and related issues. Jan - May 2012: Female images on Vietnamese entertainment magazines / Vietnam National University A quantitative study of female images represented on ĐẸP & 2Đẹp magazines. Frameworks: framing theory, masculine domination. WORKS SUPERVISED